15 Jun
The Desert
Author: AdministratorHey All and Happy Summer! I’ve been working hard on some updates for us:
- Implemented OpenXR; This should allow for other headsets to be used.
- Fixed issue with hand placement on bow and arrow.
- Fixed issue with bow being added/removed from inventory
- Made it so wrist watch is hidden when grabbing things with the watch hand.
- Added Gameplay Options menu for adjusting things like reach distance, watch hand, etc.
- Reduced the amount of flicker for menu button highlight.
- Adjusted hand placement for two handed weapon.
- Fixed issue where arrow from bow would sometimes disappear in hand.
- Re-enabled physics for doors and adjusted the wrist watch door.
- Added logic to close menus when watch door is closed.
- Fixed issue with widget interaction arrow was not disappearing.
- Fixed issue with modular weapons not being saved to inventory.
- Fixed issue with sprint not triggering.
You can keep track of what I’m currently working on The Desert’s Rose Trello Board here!:
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